TITC - Thailand International Touring Car Championship

Oui, en effet, je viens de voir ça !!
donc, ça confirme encore un fois ma pensée et celle d’un amateur de chat…que les chassis à c-hub, c’est fantastique !!!


Visiblement certains pilotes sont passé de Sanwa à Futaba comme Bruno. Des infos sur ce changement?

L’interview de Bruno qui parle de ca: Red RC Events » Bruno Coelho – ‘Completely different race to any other. It’s one of the best in the World’

I used to use Sanwa but since September I have been racing with Futaba. I like the physical feel of the brake. It has more range and I can get the feeling of a normal brake. The Sanwa brake is mechanical short so you have to adjust on the radio settings. With the Futaba you can manage more with the finger and I like this.’

1 « J'aime »

Ah super merci. Moi j’ai un autre soucis avec la sanwa c’est que je trouve la gâchette trop grosse pour mon doigt :cry:

Mais qu’est ce que « Cayote » @Zavier ?

Sinon on a un peu raté la fin des qualifs et c’est Volker qui prend la pole. Il semble être plus à l’aise l’aprèm/soirée quand la traction est à son maximum.

A-Main 1: ca touche entre les leaders, c’est Marc qui rafle tout.

A-Main 2: Drama again!

Ben déjà, ça semble etre la marque d’un mec qui a un pantalon trop long :thinking:

2 « J'aime »

Coehlo qui sort Volker deux fois… JQ va s’en donner a coeur joie, c’est le retour du CTO :smiley:

Bruno gagne la troisieme, ce qui lui donne la victoire finale, Hagberg et Reinhard sur le podium.

la 3e A (desole je vole son role a Bastien)

Volker doit l’avoir sacrement mauvaise…


‘Pissed & disappointed, I can’t believe he hit me again and just in a naive way’, were Volker’s thoughts on the incident. The Mugen Seiki driver continued, ‘Unfortunately we have to use ultra light body shells or we are at nothing. It was also unfortunate that he hit me at the same angle he did in the first one as it’s the weakest point of the rod even though we used a stronger one.’ While a winner of the TITC, Volker has never enjoyed much success at his current location of RC Addict. In the B-Main last year going into this year’s concluding A-Main he said, ‘I might have a minor chance but unlike previous years when we had new tyres every run I am now out of tyres so I hope the conditions of the cooler evening can work in my favour.’

Giving his views on the incident Coelho said, ‘the first one was on me but I had to go safe two or three times as he made mistakes so as to avoid crashing him. How can I avoid him out of the corner,’ Chasing a record equalling 4th TITC win, responding to Volker’s rare outburst of anger towards him, Coelho said, ‘I think it was an overreaction and very negative for the sport. Shouting these words in front of many kids is not professional. I already got crashed by him and do not have this reaction. He needs to apologise to me and to the sport for this reaction.’ He continued, ‘I will try not crash him again but as many drivers come and say to me after he is completely stopping in the corner. It is hard to avoid crashes on acceleration, how can I know he is not going to go full throttle. I’m mad, it’s his fault not mine. The first one is on me but it can’t always be on me.’

On parle de ca:

Fais toi plaisir! :wink:

1 « J'aime »

Est-ce que quelqu’un peut m’expliquer comment se fait-ce que ces braves gens soient en châssis carbone sur une surface avec autant d’accroche ?


est-ce que ce qu’il dit vers les 4 min pourrait être une piste? (oui, je sais, il parle de Carpet et là on parle d’asphalte mais bon… )

belle ambiance dites-donc!!

Ceci dit, si ces conneries de carros trop fines pouvaient enfin s’arrêter, ce serait bien pour tout le monde du coup…!


